viernes, 15 de junio de 2012


During my childhood I had not many dreams and much less thought at dedicating myself to something in particular. I never thought a profession in which to work in the future. Therefore, at the time to postulate for university, I did not knew which career to choose. Finally, I postulated to veterinary medicine as first choice and the other options that were elected are the engineering in different areas. When I began to study the career, I knew better and I realized it was interesting and entertaining compared to others. I also really knew the area of veterinary medicine and I can know one of their areas that I liked. This area was not precisely the most well known, because I was interested in the area of conservation of biodiversity, wildlife and the environment, which are hardly considered in the faculty. By this reason the way of work is different from other professions, especially in this area, where there is more work in the field and different management, whether in research, administration or management pertaining to these issues. This makes it a more dynamic type of work and maybe not so routine.

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