lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

My opinion

-What is your opinion about owning an exotic pet?

I disagree with the possession of exotic animals, mainly because they are not accustomed to the human species generally, plus they are detained because they were removed from their natural environment. They are generally used as ornamentals animals, unlike a dog, a cat, a cow or a horse, which they are used for other purposes. Furthermore, the purchase of exotic species encourages its exploitation and removal from their places of origin and encourages the production of these species in captivity.

-What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?

In Chile there is much influence of power, which handles the politicians without bothering them. There is a political-economic system based on exploitation of natural resources, in the free market (free looting), in a ''democracy'' with a binomial system that complements it, established during dictatorship. In addition, exist a communication strategy to control what people are see, hear or read, through TV channels, newspapers and media communication controlled by the Chilean elite, all this in a stream of disinformation for not to alert the public of the issues of real interest, showing stupid things on Chilean TV and to maintain the status quo of Chilean politics  that interested to elite of this country. After the dictatorship, the false left-wing chilean maintained and perfected the neoliberalism, that established the right-wing chilean through the weapons with U.S. help. All this was decided by the Chilean political class, without any involvement of the opinion and decision of the Chilean people, as has been for decades, establishing a brutal consumerism, privatization of state duties and belongings, environmental destruction by extractive business, nothing civic education  and creating a commercial society.

-What is your opinion about killing stray dogs?

All animals have right to live, including those who aren't to blame for the irresponsibility of some people. There is a very irresponsible of people that throw a dog into the street. There is also an ideology of human superiority over other animals, a anthropocentrism that constantly influencing in people for throw their animals at the street. Besides the ignorance along with the evil of some persons.

-What is your opinion about  climate change?

I'm not sure if climate change is the fault of mankind, or is a natural process of the earth, but what if I'm sure the biosphere will not resist much people on it. The 7000 million people that inhabit the earth are monopolizing the resources that are available for all species. If humanity continues to grow at that rate, if the humanity continue to destroy natural hábitats, if the human continues to drain resources, the planet's biosphere will not resist. Are constantly disrupting ecosystem processes. Unfortunately, the mortality rates are low and the birth rate are high. so, human growth would exhaust the resources.

-What is your opinion about recycling?

Recycling is an important process to reuse wastes or reoccupy raw materials for make new products. However, we must raise awareness to help to recycle, otherwise there will not be success.

3 comentarios:

  1. I could not agree more with you Seba about the killing stray dogs topic.

    See you.

  2. the chileans politicians are a heap of thieves¡¡¡¡¡¡

  3. Hi Sebastian,

    You have to add your classmates links on you blog, so you can make the comments more quickly.
